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Jacko Sir & 各位家長
小女今年小一,学校要求每位学生要懂一項樂器,不包鋼琴.小女在四歲多時,在十分勉強的情況下,才学了九个月,但最終也是放棄了,本人对音樂一暁不通,也沒有十分堅持.當時的情形,就問她喜歡什麼樂器,便告訴我,我一定支持她.在今年的暑假,我讓她接觸小提琴.初時,她也說很喜欢,但回家後,從不見他主動練習,在我催促下,她才會練習一會,真是浪費我的金錢和心机, 我也曾經想過,她每天回家後要完成五至六項功課,我放工后,根本再沒有心力督促她,除了校內功課.所以是否仍堅持要她学習下去?請各位家長指教  : L:L:L:L:L
您好.  我曾任某大琴行管理人員, 本身對音樂也有認識, 或者可以給你一些意見.

音樂是一項很難的 "興趣".......需要很長時間, 才會見到效果..........所以, 持之以恆必成功. 假如你認為, 女兒學不學也沒關係, 我甚至不期望佢在音樂上有什麼發展, 我相信放棄是絕對沒有問題的. 但如果你也期望小朋友學有所成, 我認為就要堅持. 我當然明白, 學習的過程中, 一定會遇到很多困難, 難關, 或障礙......但我們是應該學習要克服困難, 面對挫折, 等等. 作為家長, 應該想盡辦法去鼓勵小朋友, 支持, 堅持到成功.

其實, 不是學音樂才會這樣, 學什麼也要有恒心, 不要因少少困難而放棄, 這才是我們學習的重點! 如果讓小朋友知道, 遇到困難可以放棄的話, 他們將來遇到困難, 也可能會採取逃避的方式.

至於你沒有時間或氣力去督促她, 我相信大部分在職媽咪也會感到困擾. 你可以試試制定時間表..... 每天放學, 可能先行洗個澡, 讓她可以醒過來, 精神一點再做功課, 然後練習.... 如果感到練習很辛苦, 可以把練習時間分段. 例如先練15分鐘, 吃飯後再練15分鐘 (當然也可以因家長狀況調節一下).  當她做到你的要求, 不要忘記鼓勵..... 鼓勵也有很多種, 包括說話, 物質等等, 你可以自己衡量.... 有時也可以獎勵她去哪裡玩之類....

小一, 年紀也不小, 其實可以選擇的樂器也很多. 如果對鋼琴, 小提琴沒興趣, 可以考慮一些比較有興味性的. 例如牧童笛, 長笛, saxophone, 敲擊樂, 等等.

每個小朋友, 在每個階段也會遇到困難, 只要家長不斷支持和鼓勵, 一定可以克服到的. 加油!!!


我育有2兒, 他們分別學習Violin and Cello, 2兒也學習Piano.
一個小朋友是否學成一種樂器, 很大程度取決於父母的決心, 在自動自覺練琴之前必須經過父母不斷的支持與鼓勵, 當然有時也要軟硬兼施.  無論選擇任何楽器, 都不要因為遇到困難就輕言放棄.
Kids start learning musical instruments at very young age in Asian societies nowadays, like 4 yr old or even 3 in some cases.  As a piano teacher, I would say only 1 out of 20 or 30 such young students would really practise on their own, which actually makes sense as they're just too small.  So it's hard to use their initiative to practise as a way to judge whether they're really interested in the instrument or not.  In fact, many long lasting interests are actually ACQUIRED with efforts instead of like 2 people falling in love at first sight.

Even those eventually very bright students, they all got very persistence parental guidance, practising day by day at home.  And this is the hardest part as it requires great patience, understanding and EQ from parents.  And there's always a cost for it, like less time for other games and fun, tension in the parent-child relationship.  I personally think if daily home practice is creating huge pressure at home, just wait until the kid gets older.  If it's some school requirement, then pick up something relatively easier to start with, like percussion, harmonica, etc (I'm not saying they're easy to master.  All musical instruments require hard work for advanced study.)

Afterall, our hope should be helping our kids build up self-confidence through this music learning process instead of telling them they're not good enough for this and that.  But it's hard, I know, especially when the "student" is our own kid.  加油! All dear mommies!
Thanks for your advices.