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標題: 小孩自大怎麼辦? [打印本頁]

作者: smallbear    時間: 2010-7-22 01:18     標題: 小孩自大怎麼辦?

女兒6歲, 好勝, 喜歡什麼事都要自己話事. 最近發覺她越來越自大. 學了幾堂溜冰, 只懂勉強在冰上行, 但她說自己巳學識. 其他如游泳, 普通話, 下棋, 她都認為自己"識晒". 拒絕再學. 還說要教我. 當請她"教"時, 她便亂説一番; 想更正她, 她便發脾氣. 家中曾有電器失靈, 她亂按制, 好彩著番, 她便說自己是"師傅": 以後被她知道有什麼壞了, 她都爭住要試... 請問怎麼辦?
作者: jackieee    時間: 2010-7-22 10:15

My son is 4 and has the same problem.  I insist on telling him the truth, i.e. he only knows a little and that's not enough.  He does throw bad tantrum and won't listen, but I still keep talking after he cools down a bit, though still in disagreement with me.  I think it's important to help them see the reality early in life instead of blindly praising them for every little achievement they make.

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