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標題: 幼兒不肯刷牙 [打印本頁]

作者: s1006787    時間: 2010-7-26 10:31     標題: 幼兒不肯刷牙

我有個朋友的兒子, 現在已兩歲半, 還不肯刷牙, 就算用清水刷也肯抗拒, 真擔心他會蛀牙。有什麼方法可令他喜歡刷牙?
作者: eva0427    時間: 2010-7-26 12:03

唉! 我都想知道呢!
我個女已經4歲了, 現在迫他就刷一次, 有時還迫不到呢!
他的牙已經蛀了一半了, 真的希望有甚麼方法可以引導他刷牙. 若不, 日後換了恆齒後就麻煩了.
作者: jjc    時間: 2010-7-26 12:40

we've tried with our two year old using nice flavoured tooth paste, let him brush his own while we brush, make up songs to sing along...etc.
作者: jackieee    時間: 2010-7-26 13:53

I just told my son the bugs will go into his mouth at night if he doesn't brush off the food remnants from his teeth and tougue.  And while I help him brush his teeth, we actually talk about all the food he had for lunch and dinner, such as rice, vege, candy, meat,etc.  That way he thought he was really brushing something off.  Hope this helps...
作者: s1010221    時間: 2010-7-27 09:53

首先要解釋比佢知道, 唔刷牙o既後果.

同佢一齊去揀一隻牙刷, 要佢自己選擇, 係佢中意o既, 咁可以提高佢對刷牙興趣.....

跟住揀一支 "好味" 既牙膏, 2歲小朋友最好用 "有機" 或者係註明可以 "食" 既牙膏.... 4歲可以用普通有果味既牙膏.....

刷牙時, 不妨放d音樂 (冇特定邊類, 佢中意就ok).......

作者: zarina    時間: 2010-7-29 16:44

I used many methods to motivate my 2 and 8 months old daughter to brush her teeth daily:

1. take a picture of clean teeth after she brushed her teeth

2. present some awards to her if she did it, eg. hang a medal to her neck   

3. pretend to put some tooth bug in her mouth and explain to her the bug will damage her teeth, let's brush it away and spit it out, sometime I pretend a bug and say "Oh, no, please don't brush me away, I want to eat your teeth". My daughter feels funny and requested me to pretend again and again.

4. show her ugly picture of damaged teeth

I think brushing teeth is not a funny thing for a child. So we'd better make it funny until it become a habit. Each above method is work for somewhile and I shift to another one if it is not work anymore. But she likes method 3 most.
作者: angelawong930    時間: 2010-7-30 01:59

仲好得人驚架~會"吱吱吱吱" 咁補返隻牙
作者: s1006006    時間: 2010-8-5 22:48

在孩子面前, 將刷牙變成一個遊戲,
找一個相熟的朋友, 以他人口中跟他說刷牙的重要
作者: mirandaf    時間: 2010-9-21 23:12

我都係聽住刷牙歌, 同大家一切刷牙, 我又刷,佢又刷~好有效~
作者: vinuschan    時間: 2010-9-24 17:59

我小朋友兩歲多時也有此煩惱, 後來我用了幾本關於擦牙的圖書, 用講故事形式講解擦牙的重要性, 唔擦牙要看醫生, 醫生叔叔會將小朋友沒有擦的牙拔去了,  到時小朋友再沒有了牙齒, 吃不到他喜歡吃的食物 (舉例他喜歡吃凡的東西), 再說, 沒有牙齒, 好似初生bb一樣, 只可以飲奶了, 不可以吃其他美味的食物了, 同其他小朋友一起玩時, 個個小朋友都有牙, 而你就無了牙齒, 你想唔想呢? (讓小朋友自己講出答案), 久而久之, 他怕真的和其他小朋友不同, 自然就會主動地擦牙了.  希望此方法對你的小朋友有幫助啦!

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