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標題: 咀嚼問題 [打印本頁]

作者: kammckay    時間: 2010-7-28 13:39     標題: 咀嚼問題

我家的兒子已經是 2歲7個月大, 從小到現在都不大喜歡咀嚼食物, 例如肉類, 蔬菜, 水果等, 切成粒狀或比較硬少許就不願咀嚼, 一是吐出來, 或是謝絕進食! 最明顯是水果, 切粒狀他永遠不會放入口, 到現在都是用攪拌機磨爛了才進食. 請問各位家長有沒有建議提供??
我有嘗試少許粒狀, 想著慢慢等他嘗試, 但都不成, 又不想他不進食水果, 所以到最後又是掉進攪拌機磨爛才給他吃 :-(
作者: vickywong    時間: 2010-7-28 15:10

You can make the fruit in cute size, eg. like apple size, rabbit size.  You can try.  Or mix with
other food, like salad.
作者: zarina    時間: 2010-7-28 16:09     標題: RE: 咀嚼問題

My daughter also spitted solid fruit even the size is very very small since I always feed her congee even she is one and half year old. I used to use food mixer to cut meat and vegetable smaller into congee like texture). I used few months to correct her eating habit. At first I tried some soft texture food first like vegetable and fish. At last I feed her pork which now she handles very well. You can try something he likes most first. Now my daughter is 2 years and 8 months old and the 18th tooth is just appeared. I suppose this is the reason she refuses solid food but dentist said there is no relationship. Some children are more sensitive to food texture. You may consult specialst for further advice if there is no progress.
作者: kammckay    時間: 2010-7-29 08:41

多謝你既建議 :-)

2# vickywong
作者: kammckay    時間: 2010-7-29 08:42

謝謝你的建議 :-)

3# zarina
作者: erica    時間: 2010-8-1 22:30

我囡囡都有口部觸覺過敏情況, 有需要可以向耀能中心查詢一下, 我剛剛帶女兒去過, 職業治療師建議做口部按摩. 雖然我現在還未知成效如果, 但認為耀能中心的治療師都蠻專業. 反正做職業治療對小朋友有益無害. 若真的有問題就一定要找專家協助及早治療

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