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標題: 可否幫我妹妹 [打印本頁]

作者: cassie    時間: 2010-8-12 00:05     標題: 可否幫我妹妹

好不幸 ! 我妹妹個小朋友可能有過度活躍的問題,令她心力交瘁, 亦有很多次在外個小朋友走失,我妹妹不知道如何是好,請問大家如何肯定,個小朋友是否有病及如何治療。最近他的反抗力愈來愈強哭鬧辯駁等,都令我妹妹及妹夫有時控制不了,便會體罰。小朋友今年5歲 今年9月上小一,我唔想他們的家,終日為一個需要治療而唔去治療的小朋友吵鬧,希望大家幫忙提供資料。好讓他們生活有所改善。
作者: md3388    時間: 2010-8-12 08:57

Have they tried eliminating certain food from his diet to see if that helps, food such as those high in sugar/ colouring/ peservatives are believed to have relation to hyperactivity in children. They can start from there I guess?
作者: s1013788    時間: 2010-8-12 10:17

You can book a check up session with 養和醫院 and they will do a thorough check on her and see if she has such problem.  Then they will recommend a series of treatment for both children and parents.  you can visit this link to find out more : ... ml#childdevelopment  or you can call the hospital for details.  Hope this help!
作者: jenny2975    時間: 2010-8-12 10:28

作者: jenny2975    時間: 2010-8-12 10:42


協康會 ... t-and-training/ADHD
作者: kammckay    時間: 2010-8-13 11:09

你好, 2526-3812 可考慮致電詢問
作者: suzi.cheung    時間: 2010-8-13 11:22

I am the mother of this child.  And thanks so much for all your information.

I have called the Hong Kong Sanatorium & Hospital for an appointment but the pediatrician responsible for child development and assessment is fully booked for the year 2010.

But the same pediatrician also registered in Union Hospital and does the same service

The first assessment would take around 3 hours.  

Would give it try.  Thanks so much again!
作者: s1011993    時間: 2010-8-17 02:55

無問母嬰健康院嗎?但如之後排政府,都要等年幾兩年,方間有私人做評估,但要around$7000-,協康會是比較專業,可以問吓!但記住盡快安排,年紀越小開始治療,成效越大!妳妹妹亦好參加d support group去減輕心理壓力,聽下其他家長的分享. 漫漫長路,加油呀!

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