I am reading this book 'Without Spanking or Spoiling'. I find it very useful that it talks about how we (as parents) should understand our own goals more clearly.
For example, if we set the long-term goal of 'independence' for our children, we'd like to see they e.g. independently brush their teeth, put on their clothes etc.
Often our 'short-term goals' are usually driven out of 'convenience' e.g. out the door by 8am.
However, sometimes this 'long-term goal' conflicts with our 'short-term goal'.
There are sacrifices to be made.
So we have to steer ourselves of what we weight most important for our children.
The book talks about: if we value long term goals e.g. independence, then we as parents need to weigh up.作者: s0900025 時間: 2009-11-18 10:12
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