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標題: ccc hk chi to church KEI POK kindergarden (tseung kwan o) [打印本頁]

作者: beanricefish    時間: 2010-1-6 14:15     標題: ccc hk chi to church KEI POK kindergarden (tseung kwan o)

do anyone know this KEI POK kindergarden in Tseung Kwan O area ? I appreciate to have your important comments about this kg.  thank you very much.
作者: beanricefish    時間: 2010-1-8 14:26

seem no one know this KEI POK kindergarden ... ... i really want to know more about this kindergarden....... pls let me have your valuable comments if you know.  thank you very much.
作者: s0901922    時間: 2010-1-8 15:30

can you give me the chinese name? I live in TKO, but I don't know which one.
作者: jacko    時間: 2010-1-8 15:38

作者: beanricefish    時間: 2010-1-11 14:37

yes, it is 中華基督教會香港志道堂基博幼稚園.  thank you jacko.  my chines input is not good.....

S0901922, here i say thank you very much for your help.  i really like to have your valuable comments about said school.  i am waiting to hear you soon.

headache mother
作者: s0901922    時間: 2010-1-13 13:01

唔好意思, 我對這間學校認識唔深, 可能我係將軍澳站附近住吧.
作者: beanricefish    時間: 2010-1-14 14:36

it's ok.  by the way, i am thank you for your help.

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