actually i am living in tiu keng leng (調景領). checked kc yesterday, they have no school bus service for kowloon side to school. can you recommand any 保姆車 information to me.
also beside of 普通話好, do you think your daughter english is also good ? how about others like 自理, 行為, 做事有無信心 ... ...etc. sorry for so many question. but i really like to more know about this school. thank you very much.作者: margiewsf 時間: 2010-1-26 12:47
保姆車 information ==> sorry, 因我是自己送囡囡上學的, 但我知有一同學仔是住 蔣軍澳, 8 到話你知 la
your daughter english is also good ==> 上星期家長日, 我有約見 eng teacher, 她對我囡囡 評語 都幾好, 但我 唔 sure 係唔係在 kc 學到, 因囡囡 1.5 years old 我已比她返 eng playgroup.
但我所知好多幼稚園 (excluding international class) 一星期都係 1-2 堂 eng . may be 15-30 min
KC 日日有, 我覺得幾好
自理==> 好....becasue 太多 學生, 唔理得太多. 日日操, 所以一定好
做事有無信心==> 我囡囡是個不太有信心的人, 我估是我教的方法出左問題, 不關 KC 事, 但近期她樣樣野都話自己做, 我得 GA
yes. i have other choice. it is St. Catherine. 但只是英粵班. 我想小朋友讀英普班多D, 所以KC 會比較理想
. 但因KC比較FAR AWAY FROM HOME, 所以我要想多一點額外的交通問題. 同時我有多一個小兒子. 所以第一個小朋友的決定比較重要...
please help to check with your 同學仔住 蔣軍澳有關保姆車 information (like driver telephone, how long time on transportation), 這是對我十分有用的. thank you very much. meanwhile, i am very thanks for your help.作者: margiewsf 時間: 2010-2-23 09:31
Dear beanricefish,
sorry for my late late late late......reply. 因我為了囡囡健康的問題. 所以忘記幚你找保姆車 information , 今早我問左保姆車的負責人取了卡片. 他說有 route from 蔣軍澳
, 希望幚到你 . 溢興旅運有限公司 - 舒太 mobile :9239 3940
home: 2807 1333