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標題: 最近小朋友返學唔開心…… [打印本頁]

作者: jacko    時間: 2010-1-25 10:15     標題: 最近小朋友返學唔開心……

您發現小朋友最近返學時常常悶悶不樂,問他 / 她發生什麼事,他 / 她又不告訴您;情況還好像越來越壞……


- 與學校老師商量一下小朋友的情況
- 幫小朋友轉校
- 與其他家長朋友商量一下如何處理
- 強迫小朋友告訴自己,究竟發生什麼事
- 其他方法 (請投票後於下方留言註明)


作者: fishkarie    時間: 2010-1-25 13:41

我女兒不開心時, 我怎樣問她也不答, 只說: 我唔想再講."  事後即使開心番也拒絕講發生什麼事.  到最後我始終也不知是什麼事.  這是硬頸還是性格上的缺憾?
作者: s0901922    時間: 2010-1-26 10:23

我個仔仔5歲啦. 佢唔開心時又係好似你個女咁呀. 唔喜歡講返比我聽呀. 不過我發覺晚上陪小朋友入睡時, 係最好的親子談心時間, 有時佢都會講返比我聽, 有時就話唔記得囉.
作者: fishkarie    時間: 2010-1-26 13:37

怎樣可以令小朋友對我講心事?  我試過同佢玩個遊戲, 一人講一件心事.  佢話好.  但當我講完, 輪到佢時, 佢就唔肯講.
作者: s0901922    時間: 2010-1-26 15:09

其實我之前都有試過迫仔仔講呀. 但係都唔得呀. 佢話唔知點講喎. 咁檥就走左唔理我啦. 不過我都冇放棄過, 在日常生活中我慢慢開始講多些自己的事比仔仔聽, 我遇到開心事就即刻講比佢聽我的感受, 我遇到唔開心事又即刻講比佢聽, 佢開始會安慰我啦. 其實我的目的係 教佢原來開心同唔開心都可以同人分享囉. 不過記住如果佢肯同你分享唔開心事的話, 你千其唔好比太多意見, 佢最希望就係得到你的認同. 請問這個方法可唔可行或對不對啦?
作者: s0904173    時間: 2010-1-26 18:36

... ...
作者: s0904166    時間: 2010-2-1 00:28

Actually, I have the same problem of my son now.  I have already talked to the school teacher and other Parent in school.  They all said that my son is fine in school. My son used to talk a lot about the school when he was studing at N1 in other school.  But after changing the school in K1, he seldoms talk about the school things .  Sometimes he tells me that he doesn't want to go to school and asks me different questions like --" Why I have to go to school? Is it a holiday today? Can I not go to school today?" etc.   It seems that from time to time he will tell me " Miss xxx is upset about him" and "Miss xxx is not happy about himxxx."  I have tried to use the toys, role play to understand what has happened in him.  But he still cannot tell me in details.  He is willing to tell me but just difficult to explain to me.  Now, he is just 3 yrs & 2mths old.  I don't know what I should do.  Because I've already talked to the teacher several times.  Does anyone has a good suggestion?
作者: fafa    時間: 2010-2-3 14:18


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