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標題: Quiting Pre-school in coming March [打印本頁]

作者: mbox21    時間: 2010-1-31 09:54     標題: Quiting Pre-school in coming March

Dear All,

My son went to this pre-skool since last Aug, his attitude changed like all the other kids. However, one thing that I most unlike and disagreed with this skool is they always use candy, mashmellow and shortening crackers (made in Taiwan) to awards the kids as well as in the skool event days. Which I have have never applied to my kid and not like to use this to encourage kid to eat this unhealth snack. I will only give sweetie to my son ocassionally (maybe 2-3 times a month) but never candy for snack. My son now always asking me for candies (is always). Although skool is like a small sociality but not in this early age which I am not yet prepared.

I am plaining to quit this pre-skool in coming March as he will go to another new KG on Sept. My concern is will this make him not liking to go KG later on? Having half years free time (not following skool schedule) , will that make him hard to pick up or get used to the skool rules again?? Or just leave it so he will feel easier to pick up the new skool life on Sept?

Pls advice, thanks much.
作者: mrsclee    時間: 2010-2-1 09:03

有無同老師反映下 ? 如果只係派糖, 我唔會 quit
作者: fishkarie    時間: 2010-2-1 13:15

Actually the kid can learn so much in the pre-skool and kindergarten.  Seems not worth to quit merely due to the issue of snack.  You may discuss with the teacher to solve this problem.
作者: myrchan    時間: 2010-2-1 16:09




3# fishkarie
作者: pcwong    時間: 2010-2-2 23:20

我的孩子都有讀一件的nursery preschoool, 然後直接轉讀 KG 的第二件。

我的建議是: 與其憂慮,不如想辦法解決問題。KG 最重要的是學群體生活,

作者: mbox21    時間: 2010-2-5 11:43

Thanks, fishkarie, myrchan & pcwong. Sorry to rely this late. Yes Myrchan, it's not 冰封一尺,非一日之寒. Reasons are:
1) The classteacher's cantonese word pronounciation is not clear, I found my son's tended to speak like her after a month the skool day started. As my son is a fast learner, he speaks like 4 years old boy.
2) He cried every morning when go to skool. He said he dont like goto skool.
3) He never asked for candy or sweets before. He asks alot now.
4) The skool gave lot of homeworks on everyend (4-6 kinds) , half of the homeworks are for me to do. I believe kid at this age, learning is not basis on homework. They learn by playing game.
5) The skool has many ''門面'' events, they train the kids to do the play etc. Like most of the parent, they like to see their show but not too often. They will feel tired to do the monkey show.
6) His speaking & acting becomes roung, I believe he learnt from his bus-mate. He said some bad word to me at home like 打死你 & 斬死你 and applied on any cases. I am so worried and I have spoke to the classteacher, not sure if she can help.

They are basically learning K1 stuffs which he is going to learn later on. So he is just learn a bit earlier. In K1, they will learn the same thing they taught again. If you were me, what will you do (quit or stay)? And take pcwong advice, 在家中培養孩子說話,閱讀,多出外見識?
作者: s0901922    時間: 2010-2-6 01:43

如果我係你, 我會即刻走, 有咁快走咁快. 哈哈. 因為你可以寫左咁多不好處, 點解還要留小朋友在這裏啦. 我兩個小朋友都有讀PRE-SCHOOL, 但我只看到佢地愈學愈多好野. 日日都好開心返學. 佢好喜歡老師, 喜歡返學.
作者: pcwong    時間: 2010-2-12 23:51




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