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標題: 孩子將來面對的世界 [打印本頁]

作者: jacko    時間: 2010-2-23 18:03     標題: 孩子將來面對的世界


教育的未來 (英文版;這個比較精彩,但沒有中文字幕)
教育的未來 (中文版)

作者: mbox21    時間: 2010-2-24 05:22

Oh, yea. I was quite scared while i watched it...but, deeply thought we (the people lived in this earth) might not live till 2049 as our technology already kill the earth to kill ourselves. Like what 瑪雅民族 did.

When thinking of this, I am feeling better that no need to hard push my son to learn things. Why bother?? Just relax and be happy to have wonderful time with him everyday. Make myself happy and make him happy in his early life.

Afterall, who can save the earth (save everyone of us)? Anyone wants to save the earth?? Anyone REALLY CAN (WANT TO) SAVE the earth?! That's another question to think about. Or even no need to think about as answer is so simple as you know.

1# jacko
作者: jacko    時間: 2010-2-24 09:46

Oh, yea. I was quite scared while i watched it...but, deeply thought we (the people lived in this earth) might not live till 2049 as our technology already kill the earth to kill ourselves. Like what  ...
mbox21 發表於 2010-2-24 05:22

Oh, yea. I was quite scared while i watched it...but, deeply thought we (the people lived in this earth) might not live till 2049 as our technology already kill the earth to kill ourselves. Like what 瑪雅民族 did.

可能到時候,人類不用住在地球呢 ~

When thinking of this, I am feeling better that no need to hard push my son to learn things. Why bother?? Just relax and be happy to have wonderful time with him everyday. Make myself happy and make him happy in his early life.

對呀!另外,我覺得那段影片啟發我:教導孩子如何學習新知識、改善學習效率 (而不是如何考好測驗、做功課做快點),是孩子面對將來的最重要技巧 (如何您看過上面那片段的話,便知道將來的知識爆炸有多厲害吧…….)

Afterall, who can save the earth (save everyone of us)? Anyone wants to save the earth?? Anyone REALLY CAN (WANT TO) SAVE the earth?! That's another question to think about. Or even no need to think about as answer is so simple as you know.\\


作者: iris    時間: 2010-2-24 11:29

自然界有一切定律必須要依循, 任何事得要有一個時間過程, 如片中所說, 以往要數千年的累積才有的結果, 一下子就發生了, 就正如我們吃的基因改造食物, 打針雞, 濫用抗生素等, 都是違背自然法則, 像碌卡一樣,在透支我們子孫的未來。 由此可預見, 地球不適合人住的日子越來越短,  這裡不能說地球滅亡, 因為無論環境怎樣變差, 地球還是存在, 歷史上曾出現過數次冰河時期, 人類滅亡了, 就像恐龍絶種一樣, 幾百萬年後, 自然界回覆本來應有的規律, 又再有另一種生物出現統治地球, 届時那種生物又會像我們探究恐龍絶種的原因那樣, 試圖找出今天人類滅亡的原因。說像很恐怖, 但也像人要生老病死一樣, 會發生。
作者: mbox21    時間: 2010-2-25 15:25

I agreed with you, Jarko. And as you said Iris, the earth wont be doomed. But just us, we are going like those dino. Haha..And maybe less than 1/10000 human will be alived after that.

Well, be realistic I am sure I am not the will move to the moon. Neither any one lived in HK or US president.

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