你好! 我也有同樣的經歷。 但打絕對不是出路,只會愈打愈差:關係差、你的脾氣差、孩子的脾氣差。我想你只想 work smarter , not work harder, 更不是打harder.當時我就自己不斷找出路,發覺自我改進(脾氣),學習忍耐,才可改變一切。有時理性明白、自我克制不會是成功的,我便尋求我的信仰(基督教),充滿愛的薰陶。這便可以克己而不克制。港台第一台 《訴心事家庭》(可上網重溫)和理盧幼慈的作品是我的學習對象。 但閣下的孩子只是做合乎年齡的正常事,我想你的工作壓力叫你轉移到孩子身上了吧!因為你的孩子的調皮可能只正常的反叛期 (即正常的成長)或者出於好奇。 育兒是一輩子的事,共勉之。作者: jenhen0307 時間: 2010-4-25 15:46
I have recently attended this three-afternoons-workshops on parenting. It's talking about how you manage your emotion rather than talking about skills. For me, it's very helpful. The next possible workshop may be 24 Jul 2010. You can keep track on their progress by this link: Cheerful、Bright、Insightful「CBI 家長工作坊 」
I am a yogamama & a psychology, my advice would be....take a few good deep breath, tell your child how you feel and give you one minute. Mentally, think from your child's point of view and you will know how or why he made you lose temper. So Find the inner child inside you and treat them accordingly. What they do that made you angry is part of their own journey of discovery of themselves and things around them. Don't discourage them and kill their curiosity. Once you are calm, go back to explain to him what happen.作者: lovethan 時間: 2010-4-27 18:01