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標題: 我真係好沮喪 [打印本頁]

作者: windflower    時間: 2010-5-24 23:46     標題: 我真係好沮喪

呀女乜都喊, 郁d就喊, 乜都驚, 做野又慢, 人人舉手得佢唔舉
我真係唔識點教佢, 有時真係想打死佢, 但我知打係唔work
作者: eric9394    時間: 2010-5-25 08:55

作者: s1010196    時間: 2010-5-25 09:46

呀女乜都喊, 郁d就喊, 乜都驚, 做野又慢, 人人舉手得佢唔舉
我真係唔識點教佢, 有時真係想打死佢, 但我知打係唔work

你覺女乜都喊,乜都驚, 因為係佢無安全感無信心. 佢喊係希望爸爸媽媽能夠保護佢,或者想向你們(散驕)你地需要俾多d關心佢,例如:經常雍抱下女女,佢會慢慢好.唔急得.一定唔好打佢,打會令佢更加驚,及失去信心
作者: s1011513    時間: 2010-5-25 09:46

作者: jackieee    時間: 2010-5-25 09:46

How old is your daughter?  My son was the same before he reached 2.5 years old.  He cried on almost everything such as strangers staring at him, people talking a bit loud, me going into the bathroom, etc. I can understand it's very stressful and tense, but it's just a stage.  Some kids go through this stage quickly others take a bit more time.  I believe this phase will pass as long as you give it time.  Next time when she cries, just put your arms around her and let her cry it out.  Pat her back to give comfort.  I'm sure by physically hugging her, you give you strength, support and comfort and she'll stop crying sooner.  When she calms down, talk to her.  Tell her how to express her fear or what she wants when it next happens.  Of course she won't get it overnight but the knowledge will gradually sink in.  DON'T HIT HER.  You'll regret and it's bad for both of you.  If you really can't take it, hand her to someone you trust and go off to get some air.  I did hit my son a few times and I really regret it.  It has long lasting effect - both on his personality and his view on violence.  Hang in there! You're not alone and remember, it'll pass.
作者: shirleychoi    時間: 2010-5-25 10:33

RELAX.....咁你要睇下佢因咩事喊...你個女幾大???你要比D 耐性睇下佢係因咩先???如果佢怕個環境既..比佢習慣下先..好多小朋友都會有呢個問題....唔好咁快就鬧佢..打佢...咁落去會仲差...
作者: vickywong    時間: 2010-5-25 11:00

千其唔好氣餒! 我仔仔現在9個月! 都是見到陌生人會喊, 大聲講嘢都喊, 聽到膠袋聲都喊, 尤其是初生時, 半夜一放他在BB床上就即刻喊, 我要抱足2-3小時才可以放佢落床瞓. 日子總會過, 仔仔會每日都會進步, 要比啲耐性. 加油! 我們會支持您呀! 如果您唔開心或覺得壓力大, 可以找人傾訴吓. 千其唔好放在心裏太久. 加油, 加油! 或者當女女喊時, 試吓分散吓注意力. 可能會好啲.
作者: s0900109    時間: 2010-5-25 11:17

就算全世界覺得你女女最差最無得教, 都請妳不要放棄她, 孩子只有在我們父母的耐心的愛護下, 才能學會糾正錯誤, 健康成長!
試試細心觀察她, 陪她一起填色, 玩遊戲, 當她做得對時, 獎勵, 鼓勵她, 讓她肯定自己的能力.  或可請教醫生, 小孩子身體不舒服, 不懂表達, 亦可能引起情緒問題.
作者: sidneywong    時間: 2010-5-25 15:42

There's a lot of courses for parents. I just joined a "3P" course in the Health Centre which is quite helpful but really need a lot of patience. Pls try.

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